pochospeak:José Luis Saldivar, you're program officer at Trabajo Para Toda La Familia, in Tijuana, what can you tell us about it?
JL: There's not very much to say, people are hungry in Tijuana, it's not an easy situation now that the maquiladoras are taking their investment to other countrys. It doesn't take a phd to understand that it's the fault of the trade unions and the government who didn't lower costs for foreign investment. It's all there in the reports from IMF, World Bank, IADB. So basically what the city is going thru it's a decline in quality of life, not to mention criminality is finding a way into our homes. A few years later it was shocking to see how most people in the city knew about someone working for the drug cartels, now most good familys have at least a member working in them... If not in some other criminal activity.
pochospeak: I didn't knew the situation was that bad... What are the options for teens to stay off violence? Are there any church or government programs?
JL: There are... But, i won't lie to you. People in the city don't trust the government, and i don't blame them. Everyone knows they're the problem. As you know, our country is very corrupt. It's too bad President Fox wasn't able to change the situation, and now that he's going out, people are afraid of the things to come... On the one side you got the communists represented by Lopez Onbrador of PRD, and on the other the PRI is coming back with revenge as the only thing in their mind. They know it's their last chance to rob the country's treasure. They won't let it fo so easily. Now, the panistas, they have worked hard to bring a change to the county... but powerful people aren't happy with them.
pochospeak: I understand your NGO works in cooperation with the Interamerican Bank of Development.
JL: That's right, we are a pilot programme, our initiative won a grant to bring 2 offices (Ciudad Juarez & Tijuana), and if we manage to prove we can bring hope to people's lives, we will become a full-fledging program by 2007.
pochospeak: What can people expect from you?
JL: This is a very important question, Jason. People shouldn't expect the handouts PRI government gave them over the years. What we offer is real work, which more than not is hard, difficult, and painful. But this is real life, and i believe people who want to come out of misery will appreciate our offer. Like i said, our program is for people who aren't afraid of work, and who just want to get rich without sweating. Those people should instead pray they win the lottery.
pochospeak: Thanks José Luis. You've been very kind.